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Symbol of freedom, as the bitcoin school opened in Honduras is called



Around the world there are various types of symbols associated with the concept of freedom, but on the Caribbean island of Roatán, Honduras, the huge bitcoin (BTC) logo that adorns the Amity Age educational center is a sign that the school teaches how to separate money from the state to ensure greater financial independence for its inhabitants.

The school was recently opened and is ready to fulfill its mission. To educate locals and tourists about the first cryptocurrency. With the goal of “making Roatan the Bitcoin Island of the Caribbean,” as the president stated. notes A statement issued yesterday.

In the site, which is now account with the only BTC ATM on the island, workshops will be held on the basics of Bitcoinhow to keep funds safe and avoid scams, as well as how to be financially responsible.

In short, Amity Age is “a parallel structure for living a freer life,” says Dusan Matuska on Twitter. The founder of the educational center refers to the so-called Citadels o bitcoin circular economies that are spreading all over the world.where people learn to live without fiat money, but with BTC as their only payment system.

In this way, Amity Age is now the nerve center of this desired financial freedom on the island of Roatan. It is about a place that adds to the maelstrom of bitcoin adoption. which is gaining momentum in Central America, as we have reported by CryptoNews.

Headquarters of the new educational center in Honduras.
Giant image of a bitcoin adorns the headquarters of the new education center in Honduras. Source: Twitter/SJBRoatan.

Matuska, a Slovak, landed in Honduras this year with the goal of bringing financial education to the people. He is convinced that Bitcoin is ideal for learning how to protect one’s assets. from inflation or the decisions of banks and governments, as it is read on its website.

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The Roatán citadel is not the only one under development in Honduras, since Bitcoin Valleyin the municipality of Valle de Ángeles, 30 kilometers from the capital city of Tegucigalpa, aims for a circular economy based on cryptocurrency pioneering.

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