FTX et Sam Bankman Friedthe great disappointment et le naufrage of the confidence; Meta suppresses 11 000 emplois; The Scourge, nouvel update Ethereum; Solana chahuté, mais aussi soutenu… Retour sur l’actu crypto de la semaine.
Sam Bankman Friedthe man who understood how to murmur at the ear of the American regulator and legislators. The patron saint of FTX volait cet été au secours d’autres acteurs crypto menacés d’être emportés par une crise des liquidités. The flamboyant manager and his exchange, which is finally declared in faillite vendredi, avaient en vérité tout du colosse aux pieds d’argile.
Et SBF has chewed this reality until it could no longer be born and called in catastrophe to Binance, son bourreau. ” Je suis désolé, j’ai merdé “, reconnaît le jeune trentenaire. Binance and CZ are no longer exempt from any reproach. They have largely contributed to speeding up the launching of a concurrentThe company’s PDG, which has been penalizing many retail clients whose tokens are now blocked, and this for an indefinite period. In declaring during the weekend the liquidation of all its FTT, the PDG of Binance has attested the panic, even if the first persons in charge remain the FTX managers.
Pour Elon Muskthe chute de l’empire FTX était prévisible.. ” Mon détecteur de conneries était ‘redlining’. C’était as if this mechanism were a fraud. “, déclarait le partisan de Dogecoin et nouveau CEO de Twitter samedi.
Crypto : des changements indispensables
L’affaire FTX signe un nouveau coup dur pour la confiance at the level of industry, its enterprises and its practices. It could justify a new Regulatory hardeningand not necessarily balanced and conducive to innovation. Jesse Powell, co-founder of Kraken, summary justement la situation.
Nous laissons des clowns monter sous notre bannière alors qu’ils nous vendent pour leurs propres intérêts. We give them the power to speak in our name but they have not earned this privilege. When they explode, it is our house, our reputation, our people who suffer the consequences.”
Une opération reconquête s’impose désormais. Binancein defiance of a fierce rival, hopes to launch a new, more transparent crypto finance. Irony, while he was still recently designated as the little canard of conformity and that Reuters continue d’égratigner son image in this sector.
Ethereum continues to write its future.
In the shadows of events FTX of this week, other Web3 projects are continuing their developments, without fully grasping their consequences. This is indeed the case for all the cryptomonnaies that have been reviewed. Bitcoin a d’ailleurs touché un nouveau plus bas à environ 15 600 dollars.
Deuxième blockchain publique en capitalisation, Ethereum thinks about the future, however, and about what will be designed for its ecosystem after The Merge. L’attend par exemple une new phase of updating intitulée The Scourgesoit le fléau. Malgré ce nom, c’est bien une évolution positive pour Ethereum qui s’annonce.
The purpose of The Scourge is thus to “Guarantee the inclusion of reliable and equitable, credible and neutral transactions. [et] to solve the problems related to the MEV [Maximum Extractable Value] “, résume Vitalik Buterin, cofounder of Ethereum.
Meta trébuche sur le metaverse, sans renoncer.
The ambitions of Meta in the métaverse cost the company dearly. And the benefits will not be noticeable for shareholders and investors for several years yet. The title on the basis of the firm’s Zuckerberg is therefore largely oriented to the bottom. The manager must therefore take the lead.
Like other technological firms, Meta annonçait ainsi son premier plan de restructuration. Celui-ci concerne 11.000 collaborators in California. This represents 13% of its workforce. In this new environment, we must become more efficient (…) We have shifted more of our resources to a smaller number of high-priority growth areas (…) and our long-term vision for the future of the company is to become more efficient (…). métaverse “, annonce Zuckerberg.
Solana between promises and remous
The crises are systematically declining in the risks of contagion. La chute de FTX has thus exacerbated the fears at the expense of the ecosystem. Solanain which SBF was heavily invested, particularly through DEX Serum. Le course of the SOL has therefore been very impacted, reculant drastically during the week and falling under 15 dollars. Crypto.com has also announced to collect USDC and USDT withdrawals and deposits on Solana due to the events of the week.
Cette histoire tombait bien mal, puisque. Solana held until Monday, November 7, its great annual conference. The celebration has been long awaited. Pourtant, la blockchain s’impose bien dans le panel de tête du Web3. Preuve en est, Google plans to bring its new Blockchain Node Engine service on Solana next year. It will also go on BigQuery, its popular cloud datawarehouse. As for Circleis planning to launch its euro stablecoin, EUROC, on Solana in the first half of 2023.
Ce qu’il ne fallait aussi pas manquer :
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